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Center Joint Unified School District

Center Joint Unified School District

Superintendent's Office

Scott A. Loehr, Superintendent
916- 338-6409
Welcome to the Center Joint Unified School District, where every student is given the opportunity to realize their dreams every day. I would like to take this opportunity to highlight key ways we are serving your children, your family, and our community.


Our Superintendent’s Advisory Council conducted a grass roots campaign to update our District Mission. Every household was called, hundreds of students wrote us their ideas, and over 100 employees and community members contributed ideas. We carefully looked at the themes that were raised, and arrived at the following statement:

Students will realize their dreams by developing communication skills, reasoning, integrity, and motivation through academic excellence, a well rounded education, and being active citizens of our diverse community.


Releasing Balloons into the air
In 2008, we celebrated our 150th year of educating the students of our community. During each month of this school year, each school highlighted a period of our community’s and nation’s history, culminating in a community wide celebration in May. We are proud to be the second oldest school district in California!


A football field
We recently modernized Spinelli Elementary and Dudley Elementary. Also, we opened our completely renovated stadium at Center High School in October of 2009.


Over the next 30 to 40 years our community is expected to grow by 27,000 new homes, which will increase our student population by five times. We are looking forward to this exciting future, and are working with our community, planners, and government agency to ensure we have the highest quality of schools and community facilities. One step in that process is providing for school funding, and to that end the Board of Trustees had voted to place a bond authorization on the ballot for the November 4, 2008 general election. The bond measure passed with 61% of our community approving the measure, which will assist us in improving our current facilities and assist us with future school needs.
Balanced Budget

Balanced Budget

Our budget continues to be balanced and are striving to eliminate any deficit spending. We are committed to keeping taxes low, while providing our community with the highest quality educational programs.
Academic Excellence

Academic Excellence

Academic excellence has always been a hallmark of the district. We look forward to continuing this tradition of excellence and are continually improving to meet the current and future needs of all our students.
Secondary School Choices

Secondary School Choices

After students travel through one of our four award winning elementary schools, we have excellent comprehensive secondary schools, including Wilson Riles Middle School, McClellan high and Center High School. 

Thank you for your interest in our district and for giving us the opportunity of providing your child with the opportunity to "Realize their Dreams."
A main school building A school building