District Office Annex
3243 Center Court Lane
Antelope, CA 95843
Phone: 916 338-6343
Fax: 916 338-6322
Fax: 916 338-6322
Mike Jordan
Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Special Education
Becky Lawson
K-12 Curriculum CoordinatorTesting Coordinator 916-338-7584
Curriculum » Instructional Materials » Testing and Accountability
» Teacher/Professional Development
Kira Jennings
Staff Secretary 916-338-6343
K-12 Curriculum CoordinatorTesting Coordinator 916-338-7584
Curriculum » Instructional Materials » Testing and Accountability
» Teacher/Professional Development
Kira Jennings
Staff Secretary 916-338-6343
Curriculum/Instructional Materials » Parent/Student Relations
» School Accountability Report Cards
Assessment Testing » Surplus/Discarding Textbooks » Interpreter Scheduling » CELDT Scores and Inquiries
» School Accountability Report Cards
Assessment Testing » Surplus/Discarding Textbooks » Interpreter Scheduling » CELDT Scores and Inquiries
CAASPP Update - Understanding Your Child’s Student Score Report
CAASPP Update - Understanding Your Child’s Student Score Report
CAASPP Update - Understanding Your Child’s Student Score Report
California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress Student Score Report
In spring 2024, students in grades 3-8 and 11th took Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments or the California Alternate Assessment for English language arts and math. Students in grades 5, 8, and 12th also took the California Science Test.
These tests can be combined with other measures, such as report card grades, classroom work, and teacher observations, to give families and teachers a more complete picture of each child’s learning. You can use these results to identify where your child is doing well and where they might need more support. It is important to know that summative test results are not used to determine if a student moves to the next grade level.
You can access your child’s score report through the Aeries parent portal.
To learn more about your child’s scores, visit the Starting Smarter website at There, you will find information about test results, sample test questions, free resources to support your child’s learning, and a guide to preparing for parent-teacher conferences.
If you have questions or concerns about your child’s progress, please call your child’s school office to arrange a teacher conference.
Videos on how to understand caaspp results
Videos on how to understand caaspp results
Videos on how to understand caaspp results
Starting Smarter
A family-friendly website that includes information about how to understand a child’s CAASPP student score report, sample test questions, and other resources helpful to families in supporting their child’s success. Short videos about the CAASPP and the ELPAC Starting Smarter are available in English and Spanish:
A family-friendly website that includes information about how to understand a child’s CAASPP student score report, sample test questions, and other resources helpful to families in supporting their child’s success. Short videos about the CAASPP and the ELPAC Starting Smarter are available in English and Spanish:
Parent Guides to Understanding
Easy to read, two-page guides that describe the statewide tests and give parents information about how they can support their child and learn more about the tests.
Easy to read, two-page guides that describe the statewide tests and give parents information about how they can support their child and learn more about the tests.
Continuous Non-Discrimination Notice
Continuous Non-Discrimination Notice
Center Joint Unified School District is committed to equal opportunity for all individuals in education. District programs, activities and services shall be free from unlawful discrimination based on actual or perceived sex, race, color, national origin, immigration status, religion, age, sexual orientation, ancestry, ethnic group identification, gender, physical or mental disability, or on the basis of a person’s association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics, or sexual harassment in any district service, program and/or activity that receives or benefits from state financial assistance. The district shall promote programs which ensure that unlawful discriminatory practices are eliminated in all district activities. The district does not discriminate on the basis of potential parental, family, or marital status, and does not exclude any person because of pregnancy or related conditions.