The goal of language acquisition programs is for students to become proficient in English as rapidly as possible and to meet state academic achievement measures.
Reclassification Criteria
In order to be eligible for reclassification and exit from the district language acquisition program, students must meet four criteria:
- Proficiency on ELPAC: An overall proficiency level of 4, Well Developed
- Demonstration of “Basic Skills” of Reading and Writing: Meets or exceeds the required score on district reading and writing assessments at the student’s grade level.
- Teacher Evaluation: Meets or exceeds a passing grade in English Language Arts/Literacy Domains on the district’s grade level report card.
- Parent Notification: Parents are informed of their rights to participate in the reclassification process and agree to the reclassification.
Monitoring Student Progress
The academic progress of students who have been reclassified as fluent English proficient is monitored for a period of 4 years to ensure that:
- Students have not been prematurely exited
- Any academic deficit they incurred as a result of participation in the EL program has been remedied
- Students are meaningfully participating in the standard instructional program comparable to their never-EL peers
Progress monitoring is a collaborative effort between the EL teacher, classroom teacher, English Language Arts teacher and academic counselor, as appropriate. If a student begins to fall behind on appropriate measures of achievement, an intervention plan must be developed for the student.
Interventions that may be available to reclassified students who are not meeting grade level criteria include:
- Tier I classroom interventions
- Before/After school interventions
- Title I reading or writing support
- Summer School
- Tutorial period