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Center Joint Unified School District

Center Joint Unified School District

When to Keep Your Child Home Due to Illness

When are you too sick to be at school?

Vomiting or Diarrhea: Until 24 hours after vomiting stops, unless determined to be caused by a non-communicable condition and the child is not in danger of dehydration (CHPH). 

  • Mouth Sores with Drooling: Until a medical exam indicates the child may return or sores have healed.

  • Rash with Fever or Behavior Change: Until a medical exam indicates these symptoms are not those of a communicable disease that requires exclusion.

  • Eye Drainage: When purulent (pus) drainage and/or fever or eye pain is present or until a medical exam indicates that a child may return.

  • Unusual Color of Skin, Eyes, Stool, or Urine: Until a medical exam indicates the child does not have hepatitis. Hepatitis symptoms include yellow eyes or skin (jaundice), gray or white stools, or dark (tea or cola-colored) urine.

Fever: Above normal body temperature accompanied by behavior changes, stiff neck, difficulty breathing, rash, sore throat, and/or other symptoms of illness; or is unable to participate in routine activities.

Measure temperature before giving medications.

The following temperatures are considered above normal and require the student to go home:

Ear, forehead, rectum 100.4°F or greater
Oral 100.0°F or greater
Under arm 99.0°F or greater