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Center Joint Unified School District

Center Joint Unified School District

Copies of the listed items should be attached to your online enrollment packet or turned in to your school office.  The enrollment link below is for all schools.

As you prepare for TK ENROLLMENT you will need the following information:

  • Completed enrollment form 
  • Proof of birth:  certified copy of birth certificate, statement by the local registrar or county recorder certifying the date of birth, baptism certificate, passport
  • Proof of residency:  Property tax payment receipts, rental property contract, lease or payment receipts, Utility service contract statements or payment receipts, pay stub, voter registration, correspondence from a government agency
  • Shot records
  • Student Funding Form (follow the link for more information)-Families enrolling for the 2023-2024 School Year should complete this form AFTER July 1.

    • In 2023–24, students are eligible for TK if they turn 5 between September 2nd and April 2nd;
    • In 2024–25, students are eligible for TK if they turn 5 between September 2nd and June 2nd; and
    • In 2025–26, TK is available to all children who will have their fourth birthday by September 1st of the school year.

As you prepare for KINDERGARTEN ENROLLMENT you will need the following information:

  • Completed enrollment form
  • Proof of birth:  certified copy of birth certificate, statement by the local registrar or county recorder certifying the date of birth, baptism certificate, passport
  • Proof of residency:  Property tax payment receipts, rental property contract, lease or payment receipts, Utility service contract statements or payment receipts, pay stub, voter registration, correspondence from a government agency
  • Shot records
  • Student Funding Form (follow the link for more information)-Families enrolling for the 2023-2024 School Year should complete this form AFTER July 1.

Dental examination can be done as early as 12 months prior to your child entering school.  This ORAL HEALTH ASSESSMENT form is included for your licensed dentist or other dental health professional to complete.  Please return this form to the school by May 31 of your child's kindergarten year.  If you are unable to take you child in for this required examination, please indicate the reason in Section 3 of the form and return it to the school.

As you prepare for 1ST-6TH GRADE ENROLLMENT you will need the following information:

  • Completed enrollment form
  • Proof of birth:  certified copy of birth certificate, statement by the local registrar or county recorder certifying the date of birth, baptism certificate, passport
  • Proof of residency:  Property tax payment receipts, rental property contract, lease or payment receipts, Utility service contract statements or payment receipts, pay stub, voter registration, correspondence from a government agency
  • Shot records
  • Student Funding Form (follow the link for more information)-Families enrolling for the 2023-2024 School Year should complete this form AFTER July 1.

A Physical examination is required before entering first grade and can be done as early as "18 months before or up to 90 days after enrolling in first grade."  A State-approved REPORT OF HEALTH EXAMINATION FOR SCHOOL ENRTY  form must be filled out and signed by you and your child's doctor or health examiner.  Please return this form when completely filled out, to the school, before it's due date in November of first grade.

As you prepare for 7TH-8TH GRADE ENROLLMENT you will need to complete and submit the following information:

  • Completed enrollment form
  • Student’s current shot record
  • Copy of last report card
  • 1 Form of proof of residency in the district (Utility bill such as SMUD or PG&E)
  • Checkout from previous school
  • Birth Certificate-Emergency Contact Form
  • 7th OR 8th Grade elective Form-Available at school office
  • Parent’s Rights Form-Available at school office
  • Student Funding Form (follow the link for more information)-Families enrolling for the 2023-2024 School Year should complete this form AFTER July 1.

As you prepare for ENROLLMENT AT CENTER HIGH SCHOOL follow the Enrollment Form link above.

  • Student Funding Form (follow the link for more information)-Families enrolling for the 2023-2024 School Year should complete this form AFTER July 1.

As you prepare for ENROLLMENT AT MCCLELLAN HIGH SCHOOL follow the Enrollment Form link above.

  •  New to CJSUD students need to fill out a new CJUSD enrollment form & complete the supplemental MHS information
  • Current CJUSD students only need to complete the supplemental MHS information.
  • Student Funding Form (follow the link for more information)-Families enrolling for the 2023-2024 School Year should complete this form AFTER July 1.

SUPPLEMENTAL MHS INFORMATION-(print, fill out and bring to office)
Additional Health Information for New Students

Additional Health Information for New Students

If you need help finding or paying for a doctor or dentist to do the examinations, the following resources are available to help you complete these requirements:
As part of your child's enrollment, we ask that you fill out a detailed Health History Form. This form lets us know of any health conditions to be aware of to help your child be safe at school and successful in the learning process. 
Please be advised that students are not to bring prescription medication, vitamins, or over-the-counter medicine with them to school without the required medical forms. The forms need to be signed by the parent and doctor and are available in the school office. These forms are valid for twelve months needing to be renewed by parent and doctor each year. 
For your information, there are state required screenings done during the school year for vision and hearing for students in kindergarten, second grade, fifth grade, eighth grade , and tenth grade.  There is also a no-cost dental screening which could satisfy the Oral Health Assessment for your child.  All screenings are done in groups with licensed professionals.  Be aware that California law requires schools to maintain the privacy of students' health information.  Your child's identity will not be associated with any report produced becasue of this requirement.  If you want to opt-out and have your child excluded from a screening, you will need to contact the CJUSD Health Services at your school's health office or submit a request in writing.
The Sacramento County Oral Health Program reminds parent that children must be healthy to learn, and children with cavities are not healthy. Children need their teeth to eat properly, talk, smile, and feel good about themselves.  Children with cavities and/or pain may have difficulty eating, stop smiling, and have problems paying attention and learning at school.  They further advise that tooth decay is an infection that does not heal and can be painful if left without treatment.  If cavities are not treated, children may become sick enough to require emergency room treatment and their adult teeth could become permanently damaged.
Here are some important tips they suggest to help your child's teeth stay healthy:
  1. Brush teeth with flouride toothpaste twice a day.
  2. Floss daily
  3. Drink flouridated tap water (or take flouride supplements in non-flouridated areas).
  4. Eat healthy snacks
  5. Visit the dentist twice a year by age 1 or when the first tooth appears.
If you have any questions or need further assistance, contact the CJUSD Health Services Department at your school's health office.