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Center Joint Unified School District

Center Joint Unified School District

McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Program


Is your family or are you a youth...

- currently doubled-up with another family or friends due to hardship, loss of housing, lack of adequate housing, or similar reason

- or are residing in a shelter, motel, vehicle, campground, streets, abandoned building, or other inadequate accommodations?

If so, you (your student) may qualify for program assistance. Program assistance may also be available to students living apart from parent(s) or guardian(s)


⇾To determine eligibility for program assistance under the Federal McKinney-Vento Act, please click on the following link: STUDENT HOUSING QUESTIONNAIRE. Once the form is completed, the Student & Family Support Services Office will contact you to determine eligibility and what services can be provided. For McKinney-Vento Rights and Information for Families CLICK HERE

For any questions or assistance, please reach out to the CJUSD Homeless Liaison: Ryan Miranda at 916-338-6387.


McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Program

Through the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (click here for McKinney-Vento Rights - Information for Families), the Student & Family Support Services Office provides support and resources to assist students and families in navigating the educational system so they continue to receive a quality education during this transitional time. Support and resources may vary from family to family. The Student & Family Support Services Office also provides educators with technical support to ensure schools are removing barriers to the enrollment, attendance, and academic success of students experiencing homelessness. Mentoring is available for students experiencing homelessness and/or unaccompanied minor students. The Student & Family Support Services may be able to provide assistance with: 

  • School Placement and Enrollment
  • Backpacks & School Supplies
  • School Clothing
  • *Transportation Assistance
  • General Community Referrals and Resources
  • Healthcare Advocacy & Application Assistance
  • Mental Health Counseling Referrals
  • Case Management, Academic Enhancement, Mentoring, and Life Skills
  • Dispute Resolution Process
 *Transportation assistance may vary. 

What is the McKinney-Vento Act?

The purpose of the McKinney-Vento Act is to provide educational services and supports to homeless students which are equal to all other enrolled students, and ensure that homeless children and youth have equal opportunities to enroll in, attend, and be successful in school. Your child may qualify as McKinney-Vento eligible if you are:

  • sharing housing (doubled-up) with others due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or similar reason; "couch-surfing"; facing eviction
  • living in a motel, hotel, trailer park or camping grounds due to lack of adequate living accommodations
  • has a primary nighttime residence that is a shelter designated to provide temporary living accommodations
  • living in shelters, domestic violence shelters, and transitional housing lives in a car, park, abandoned building, public or private place not designed for, or ordinarily used 

